- Akumulační nádrže
- Autoklávy
- Betonárky
- Čerpací stanice
- Obalovny živičných směsí
- Ocelové konstrukce
- Ocelové nádrže
- Sila, násypky a zásobníky
- Telekomunikační věže a rozhledny
- Tlakové nádoby
- Velkorozměrové obrábění CNC
- Velkorozměrové ocelové potrubí
- Vodní elektrárny
- Výrobky z nerezu
- Výrobní zařízení
- Montáž, servis a doprava
- Politika ISM
- Projekce
The production programme of BAEST, Machines & Structures, a.s., includes the wide variety of welded steel structures, from smaller weldments up to large assemblies, whose weight may be as high as several tons. It operates modern production/technological equipment guaranteeing quite extraordinary quality of production. The quality of particular operations is ensured also by the high proportion of robotised workstations, semi-automatic welders and CNC machining centres in the production machinery. Before being delivered to the customer, our products are provided with a high quality surface finish. Subject to their intended use, steel structures are divided into two groups.
The company holds the required certification for doing welding works pursuant to DIN 18800-7:2002 Klasse E standard S235, S355, S690, S960, 1.4301, 1.4501, 1.4541 welded materials. All the processes are controlled and checked in accordance with EN ISO 9001-2000 standards.