- Akumulační nádrže
- Autoklávy
- Betonárky
- Čerpací stanice
- Obalovny živičných směsí
- Ocelové konstrukce
- Ocelové nádrže
- Sila, násypky a zásobníky
- Telekomunikační věže a rozhledny
- Tlakové nádoby
- Velkorozměrové obrábění CNC
- Velkorozměrové ocelové potrubí
- Vodní elektrárny
- Výrobky z nerezu
- Výrobní zařízení
- Montáž, servis a doprava
- Politika ISM
- Projekce
Many years of experience gained by BAEST, Machines & Structures, a.s., in the production of steel weldments, the employed modern technological equipment, know-how and important certifications, including Special Welder‘s Certificate comprising the licence for stainless material welding has allowed the Company to manufacture and supply products made of 1.4301, 1.4501, 1.4541 stainless steel grades. All the production processes are controlled and checked in accordance with EN ISO 9001-2000 standards.
The company will propose and prepare the design of:
squared or cylindrical atmospheric and pressure vessels,
tanks for food and chemical industries
silos for food product storage
reservoirs/tanks for energy applications
waste water storage tanks
tanks for AdBlue – of carbon steel/stainless steel combination
stainless steel distribution piping and manifolds
stainless steel weldments
in-built equipment of stainless steel.