- Akumulační nádrže
- Autoklávy
- Betonárky
- Čerpací stanice
- Obalovny živičných směsí
- Ocelové konstrukce
- Ocelové nádrže
- Sila, násypky a zásobníky
- Telekomunikační věže a rozhledny
- Tlakové nádoby
- Velkorozměrové obrábění CNC
- Velkorozměrové ocelové potrubí
- Vodní elektrárny
- Výrobky z nerezu
- Výrobní zařízení
- Montáž, servis a doprava
- Politika ISM
- Projekce
The described filling station design and layout meets the requirement of the minimum demands for the built-up space, making use of all the advantages of a medium-sized or large filling station at the same time. It allows all the stored fuels to be delivered simultaneously without any mutual restrictions and expedites fuel dispensing as well as the filling station operation in general.
Advantages of the DUO and QUATRO systems:
minimum requirements for built-up area, while maintaining all the advantages of medium-sized or large filling stations
possibility to assembly the whole technological unit in the production plant
reducing the distribution piping length to the necessary minimum
reducing the time of installation compared to that of the classical filling station
minimising the investment costs of all the filling station, including civil engineering costs