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In this execution of filling stations fuel tanks are deployed outside of the delivery area. Stored products are fed to fuel dispensers by means of a double shell piping system. The tanks are filled from the intake shaft using double-shell intake pipes, too. The space between the shells is continuously monitored by evaluating equipment (of the ASF D25, Indikon or other type).This solution is preferred by the customers, who require larger fuel storage capacities. However, disadvantages of this arrangement should be seen in the length of its piping systems, higher demands for the built-up area and resulting higher investment costs and longer construction times.
The delivery area is roofed using various steel structures. Both the structures of a standard type or of a customised design may be chosen. Moreover, this project solution entails also the provision of a sufficiently large parking area.
This design of filling stations is suitable for the building of large facilities of a motorway type requiring high filling capacities and variable layouts of drive-in and drive-away roads.