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BEST VERTIK is financially the most affordable variant of ground petrol stations. This type was a company´s reaction to market demands in order to offer a product at minimal cost and allow thus the purchase of CS to wider range of customers. BEST VERTIK, regarding the functionality, is a complete system of ground filling station for dispensing and storage of flammable liquids with hazard class II. to IV.
It consists of a steel double-shell aboveground tank, a dispenser, filling and suction fittings, a flame arrester, a measuring rod, a ladder and includes monitoring of leakage between the sheath. The steel double-shell aboveground tank is produced with a single chamber. The BEST VERTIK FS is designed to be used as a factory station in accordance with 311/2006 Coll. as amended.
The BEST VERTIK FS was developed to meet the low initial investment costs. Self supporting cylindrical structure with a fixed base grate allows its placement without complex construction readiness on a rigid board. Fuel dispenser is safely protected against unauthorized access in a steel lockable cabinet at the head of the tank.
In conjunction with the chip key authorized fuel dispensor, your investment is fully protected.