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The drum drier is equipment used for drying sand and aggregates for the production of bituminous mixes. The size and hourly production capacity of a drum drier should be designed to meet the production capacity of the bituminous mixing plant itself. The drum drier body is made of steel sheet of the HII or 15 Mo3 grade. Built-in equipment (vanes) is attached either by bolting or welding inside of the drum shell. The drying drum rolls around on circular steel rails.
The driving torque is transferred to the drum either by driven rollers or by the assembly of a linked chain and a segmented sprocket wheel bolted to the drum shell. Heat losses are reduced by thermal insulation, consisting in an air gap, created between the cylindrical drum shell and its outer jacket made of either galvanised or stainless steel sheets or, possibly, in the layer of SIBRAL insulation material.
The rotary part of the drum is placed on its supporting structure, which bears also the stationary parts of material intake and discharge systems. The exterior surface of the equipment is provided with a heat resistant coating system.
In addition to producing new equipment, our company provides all the necessary after-sale services, i.e.:
replacement of steel parts
replacement part supplies.