- Akumulační nádrže
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- Čerpací stanice
- Obalovny živičných směsí
- Ocelové konstrukce
- Ocelové nádrže
- Sila, násypky a zásobníky
- Telekomunikační věže a rozhledny
- Tlakové nádoby
- Velkorozměrové obrábění CNC
- Velkorozměrové ocelové potrubí
- Vodní elektrárny
- Výrobky z nerezu
- Výrobní zařízení
- Montáž, servis a doprava
- Politika ISM
- Projekce
BAEST, Machines & Structures, a.s., introduces itself as the manufacturer and supplier of particular concrete mixing plant components and complete units.
BAEST, Machines & Structures, a.s., provides:
design, engineering and consulting services
project and production documentation
supplies of the technological equipment of its own manufacture
delivery, assembly/erection of the equipment and putting it into operation.
BAEST, Machines & Structures, a.s., supplies:
Bitumen Handling System
technological piping distribution system
boiler house – LFO/NG fired
heat transfer medium distribution systems
Filler Handling System
silos, filler towers, safety devices and equipment inclusive
worm conveyors
Silos for finished mixture
30 – 400t capacity, including the skip track and truck
Cold Batching Systems:
batching hoppers of 6-15m3 capacity
feeder belts
transport paths
Drum Driers
repairs and reconstructions
spare part supplies.
Metering of granulated Arbocel mixtures
single-chamber; two-chamber