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With this BEST COMPACT type the company ties in to the offer of the above-mentioned and widely used popular filling stations of the BEST CLASSIC type.
BEST COMPACT, too, is the complete system of an above-ground filling station for fuel storage and delivery. It consists of an above-ground double-shell tank, complete technological equipment and a delivery system. It features an up-to-date design, all the technological fittings being hidden by means of design elements and covers that improve the station appearance and minimise its environmental impact at the same time. Both the electric wiring and instrumentation comprise integral parts of the tank and is found below tank guards and cover plates. The wiring is ready for connection directly to the appropriate terminals of the switchboard.
The above-ground double-shell tank of steel is available in the single-compartment and two-compartment versions, allowing one or two oil products to be stored and delivered, subject to the tank version.
The basic product range comprises the following tank sizes: 5; 10; 16; 20; 32 and 50m3 with the option to divide the capacity for using the tank for two different products.
The unit is intended for the safe and ecological storage and delivery of flammable liquids of any class of hazard.
fuel intake, filling and mud removing technology
flame protection device
service platform with a ladder
grounding system
fuel level measurement with a dip rod (or, possibly, a continuous level measuring system)
indication of the condition between the shells
electric switchboard placed below tank guards and covers
fuel dispenser
the system may be complemented with an automatic fuel dispenser employing magnetic or chip cards
delivery area roofing (typified or made to customer‘s requirements)
TYPE – BEST COMPACT | 2010 | 2016 | 2020 | 2032 | 2050 | 2010/10 | 2020/12 | 2016/16 | 2025/25 |
Nominal volume (m3) | 10 | 16 | 20 | 32 | 50 | 10+10 | 20+12 | 16+16 | 25+25 |
Usable volume (%) | 95 | 95 | 95 | 95 | 95 | 95 | 95 | 95 | 95 |
Tank diameter (mm) | 2520 | 2520 | 2520 | 2520 | 2520 | 2520 | 2520 | 2520 | 2520 |
Overall width (mm) | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 |
Overall length (mm) | 3560 | 4800 | 5660 | 8160 | 12944 | 5660 | 8160 | 8160 | 12944 |
Transport width (mm) | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 | 2780 |
Transport height (mm) | 2874 | 2874 | 2874 | 2874 | 2874 | 2874 | 2874 | 2874 | 2874 |
Number of inlets and diameter (mm) |
1×700 | 1×700 | 1×700 | 1×700 | 2×700 | 2×700 | 2×700 | 2×700 | 2×700 |
Max. nominal rated input (kW) | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
This filling station type finds application within the premises of the companies of various economical sectors, such as building firms, agricultural organisations, transport firms, in forestry, aviation and mining. The stations feature particularly very short erection times, low demands for construction modifications, safe and easy operation and financial affordability.