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Many years of experience gained by BAEST, Machines & Structures, a.s., in the construction of new petrol filling stations allows the Company to offer and carry out their reconstructions.
• Reconstruction of Filling Station Technology
In cooperation with the investor we perform the expert analysis of the current state of technology, propose the optimum option for the reconstruction and prepare the preliminary calculation of costs, taking investor‘s qualitative and financial requirements into due account. In most cases it will be required to clean and, possibly, to insert an inner steel liner, to complete or replace pipe-in-pipe piping and/or the vapour exhausting system of 1st and 2nd stage, to modify existing wiring, repair or replace older fuel dispensers, to replace the existing control and monitoring systems with new ones and, as the case may be, to built the new roofing of the forecourt area or extend the existing one. The reconstruction will be carried out always in full compliance with the regulations of law applicable to the construction and operation of petrol filling stations. Relevant protocols shall be executed of all the performed tests, inspections and checks and stored at the filling station for the entire term of validity of the concerned test or inspection. The terms of inspections and checks are governed by generally applicable regulations, such as relevant Czech National Standards, regulations, operating instructions, handling rules, etc. All the appropriated technical equipment, such as tanks, dispenser pumps, electrical wiring, etc., is subject to regular inspections and checks.
• Tank Internal Lining
BAEST, Machines & Structures, a.s., offers the provision of single-shell buried or above-ground storage tanks with an additional inner steel shell. On customer‘s request the tank may be also divided by partition baffles and provided with additional manholes of the DN800, DN700 or DN600 size. The complete operation will result in a double-shell tank comprising an indication space ready for the connection of a leak monitoring system. We offer also the complete cleaning of tanks, comprising their pressure tests and ultrasonic measurement of wall thickness, including the execution of required protocols.