- Akumulační nádrže
- Autoklávy
- Betonárky
- Čerpací stanice
- Obalovny živičných směsí
- Ocelové konstrukce
- Ocelové nádrže
- Sila, násypky a zásobníky
- Telekomunikační věže a rozhledny
- Tlakové nádoby
- Velkorozměrové obrábění CNC
- Velkorozměrové ocelové potrubí
- Vodní elektrárny
- Výrobky z nerezu
- Výrobní zařízení
- Montáž, servis a doprava
- Politika ISM
- Projekce
Storage tanks are used for “storing” the excess water within the heating systems of cogeneration units. These tanks are single shelled, pressure (PN6, PN10, PN16) containers made of structural steel, rarely of stainless steel, with the capacity ranging from 2 up to 250 m3. They store heat (usually as hot water with temperature 50-100°C) from an outer source until its further usage. The tank is fitted with three or four mounting legs, with necks for input and output of the heating medium, with internal distribution ratification sleeves, with lugs for measurement, regulation, drainage and ventilation and with thermal insulation. Accumulation tanks optimize the operation of cogeneration units and the equal heat supply for the system.
Company BAEST Machines & Structures, Inc. offers its customers both standard solutions and atypical types of tanks. The company shall propose an optimal solution according to customer assigned tasks including a structural analysis, and further ensures the manufacture, transport and installation at the destination. Catalogue of storage tanks shall be sent upon request.
Supply of an Accumulation tank includes:
- calculation of structural analysis
- processing of engineering documentation
- approval and acceptance by TÜV
- surface treatment: inside natural, outside 1×40μ of undercoat
- external thermal insulation
- sheathing – galvanized sheet
- transport to destination
Example of an accumulation tank:
- Pressure, single-shell, cylindrical, vertical tank with domed foreheads
- Tank material P265GH, legs and brackets material – S235JR
- Medium – water, steam
- Operating pressure standards: PN 6, PN 10, PN 16